Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Week reflection

This week we didn’t have to come in on Monday because its rap week. Tuesday we spent abit of time on our work and then went to a few different sessions about different things. The first one was a woman who came in to talk about her shop in trentham gardens. She sell artists work and handcrafted objects. I thought it was amazing how she was doing so well. She said her shop has been open for nearly two years. The second talk was alright but I wasn’t much for it as the woman was on about the shops she had opened shops in Liverpool selling peoples art and handcrafted objects. By the sounds of it she was doing well as she said her shops have been open for about eight years. She said she had quit school at the age of 15 with no GCSE’s and went to Newcastle college. She told us she lied in interviews by saying she had got B-A*s in school which I thinks really wrong. The last talk was all about interviews. Like what you need to do before and after the interview. I think this helped me as it will be stuff we will use. Today we have been talking about what we want to do after college. I  am considering university but I’m not that sure at the moment as my main aim with photography is to work for Redbull shooting extreme sports. I want that job more than anything so ill go university if I feel I need to but if not ill try work my way up by working for sports agency’s, selling my work, weddings and anything else that I can. I feel that its achievable and I feel I could stand a chance for working for them. University would be the best way to go for sure so that’s the route I will probably take. 

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