Wednesday, 24 April 2013

week feflection

Last week we spent looking at focal length on Monday which I enjoyed. I used a18-55mm, 70-200, 300mm lenses and we had to test out out the different light meterings which helped us to tell the difference between apertures, sharpness, colour. There was a big difference between each and it helped open my eyes into buying other lenses.  We also looked into environmental portraits which is a portrait shot within an environment which tells you more about the model and tells a story. We also started our new assignment which is based around doing a shoot on a model who meets the equality and diversity act which means we use someone who has something which makes them different. We also looked at unique selling point which is something a photographers do within there work which makes them different and people with become familiar to. We looked into model release forms. They are forms which the model you use signs so they cant sue you or stop you from using them. I am going to start using them in my next shoots. We looked into equipment which we could use on an environmental portrait. Basically we would take a number of different lenses with different focal lengths, apertures. Tripods for the camera and a tripod for flash if sing off camera flash. Reflecters, sd cards and anything you think you would need to achieve the final images. I was looking into my favourite areas of photography which was sports, landscapes and portraits. I was looking into new skills I could use within them areas.

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